Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary jay Shah has explained their decision in regards to not hold the Test series. Ever since the BCCI has appeared to be hosting the pink ball matches. They have not held any matches since then, during the previous two series against England and Australia. Jay Shah has recently explained why the BCCI has decided to make such a move.
“No, there are no provisions. Pink-ball Tests get over within two days in India. As a result, spectators lose money, broadcasters lose money. We need to look at sentiments also. As a fan, you go to a cricket match and buy a ticket for five days, but the game gets over within two-three days. There is no refund. So, I am slightly emotional in this case,” said Jay Shah.
Three day-night Tests of India at home have lasted longer than three days, one of them being in Ahmedabad, which also ended in just two days. The only loss of India was where they were bowled out for 36, which is the lowest team total in last 87 years.
Jay Shah said that they turned down the request of Bangladesh Cricket Board to host the Women’s T20 World Cup in 2024, due to political distress in Bangladesh.
“They had asked the BCCI if they can host the event, but I flatly refused. We would be still in the monsoon season and next year, we are going to host the ODI Women’s World Cup. I do not want to give the impression that I want to host consecutive World Cups,” said Shah.
Due to the current civil distress in Bangladesh, the possibility of Bangladesh in hosting the Women’s T20 World Cup is having increasing concerns. The tournament is set to begin on October 3, and is to be held in two different venues. The ICC is keeping a close watch on the situation of the country before the event and a decision is to be made soon. Meanwhile, a 2-match Test series between Pakistan and Bangladesh is scheduled to start on August 21.