How Much Debt Does Each County Owe? The Economics of County Cricket (Part II)

How Much Debt Does Each County Owe? The Economics of County Cricket (Part II)

Recently, I posted a research article on the financials of County Cricket, which revealed the recent profit & loss trends of each County Cricket Club.

However, one piece of feedback I received was that it only painted part of the picture.

It was a valid critique. So I said to myself, why not go through the annual reports all over again but from a different perspective.

This time, we will look at how much debt each County is in, and how much asset they possess.

Key Takeaways

  • Yorkshire (£ 26.1 million), Hampshire (£ 14.3 million), and Surrey (£ 12.8 million) have the have the highest net current liabilities, while the MCC (£ 27.6 million), Warwickshire (£ 2.1 million), and Lancashire (£ 1.2 million) have the highest net current assets.
  • Similar to last time, I separated the first class Counties (from worst to best) in terms of how much money they owe currently (net current liabilities/asset).
    • Red: Yorkshire, Hampshire, Gloucestershire
    • Yellow: Surrey, Worcestershire, Somerset, Leicestershire, Kent, Durham, Glamorgan, Middlesex, Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire
    • Green: Sussex, Essex, Derbyshire, Lancashire, Warwickshire, MCC
  • Note: It is not necessarily a bad thing to have liability. The MCC, for example, has £ 91 million in liabilities, but also have a mammoth £ 174 million in assets.

How Do You Read a Balance Sheet?

First a quick accounting lesson.

While the main instrument of our previous analysis was the ‘Profit and Loss Account’ statement, this time, we take a deep dive into the ‘Balance Sheet.’

Indian investor, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, is accredited to have once said

“You know, a balance sheet is like a bikini. It shows more but it hides what is vital.”

– Rakesh Jhunjunwala

During this process, I had to teach myself how to read a balance sheet before I could start analyzing! So, I’ll try my best to condense the balance sheet information into digestible pieces of information for you.

In a balance sheet, everything basically needs to add up. The main equation to keep in mind here is:

Equity = Assets – Liabilities.

Assets are made up of fixed assets (like value of stadiums) and current assets. On the other, liabilities include amount falling due within one year (short-term debt) and amount falling due after more than one year (long-term debt like bank loans).

In long-term debt, we have included “creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year”, “less deferred income”, “provision for liabilities,” and “unamortised grants” among others.

So, which County Cricket Club has the Most Debt?

We rank the clubs based on the net current liabilities/debt or net current assets.

Since most clubs have healthy total fixed assets, we look at net current liabilities to see how much amount is owed by the club in the upcoming year or so.

(Note: I use Debt/Liability interchangeably but liabilities is the proper term because it can include debt, loan, deferred income, etc.).

1. Yorkshire (£ 26.1 Million Debt)

Assessment: Yorkshire is probably in the worst financial state of any of England’s first class county cricket clubs. The club has high liability (both short and long-term) and negative reserves.

They are currently going through refinancing and Colin Graves’ family trust loans are keeping the club afloat. Graves himself has stated that a private ownership model is needed for club’s financial health.

Debt Status: Red

“In the event that sufficient funding is not obtained, Colin Graves has undertaken to provide the necessary support.”

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 25,259,827 + £ 29,832,159
Total Liabilities – £ 34,365,091 – £ 31,886,647
Equity/Reserves – £ 9,105,264 – £ 2,054,488

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 24,191,128 (2023), £ 28,168,294 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 1,068,699 (2023), £ 1,663,865 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 27,198,557 (2023), £ 10,381,311 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 7,166,534 (2023), £ 21,505,336 (2022)

Net Current Liabilities: £ 26,129,858 (2023), £ 8,717,446 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: – £ 1,938,730 (2023), + £ 19,450,848 (2022)

We can see the CJ Graves and his family trust is owed a lot of money (about £ 15 million) by the Yorkshire County Cricket Club (see section 8: Creditors: amounts falling due within one year below).

Source: The Yorkshire County Cricket Club Annual Report and Accounts 2023 (44 Pages)

2. Hampshire (£ 14.3 Million Debt)

Assessment: High total assets, but also high liabilities. Loans are contributing to their high current liabilities.

Debt Status: Red

2022 2021
Total Assets + £ 75,657,293 + £ 77,147,695
Total Liabilities – £ 73,216,510 – £ 73,360,029
Equity/Reserves + £ 2,440,783 + £ 3,787,666

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 70,243,939 (2022), £ 70,727,311 (2021)
  • Current Assets: £ 5,413,354 (2022), £ 6,420,384 (2021)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 19,672,126 (2022), £ 19,289,435 (2021)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 53,544,384 (2022), £ 54,070,594 (2021)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 14,258,772 (2022), – £ 12,869,051 (2021)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: + £ 55,985,167 (2022), + £ 57,858,260 (2021)

*Year ending on 31st December, 2022

Sources: Hampshire Sport & Leisure Holdings Limited Financial Statements (41 Pages)

3. Surrey (£ 12.8 Million Debt)

Assessment: Although Surrey has a lot of debt, they do have about £ 29 million in reserves due to their high fixed asset valuation.

Debt Status: Yellow

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 96,319,000 + £ 95,339,000
Total Liabilities – £ 67,119,000 – £ 74,172,000
Equity/Reserves + £ 29,200,000 + £ 21,167,000

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 75,807,000 (2023), £ 66,984,000 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 20,512,000 (2023), £ 28,355,000 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 33,327,000 (2023), £ 35,430,000 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 33,792,000 (2023), £ 38,742,000 (2022)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 12,815,000 (2023), – £ 7,075,000 (2022)

“As in previous years, net current liabilities includes deferred income – relating to membership subscriptions, advance ticket sales and hospitality deposits – which does not represent future cash outflows.”

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 62,992,000 (2023), £ 59,909,000 (2022)

  • Bank Debt: £ 9.5 Million repayable 4 Years

*Year ending on 31st January, 2024

Source: Surrey County Cricket Club Annual Report & Accounts 2023/24 (13 Pages)

4. Gloucestershire (£ 5 Million Debt)

Assessment: Gloucestershire’s short-term debt sky-rocketed in 2024. Clearing these liabilities as soon as possible would be in their best interest, even though their fixed assets are holding them up for the time being.

Debt Status: Red

2024 2023
Total Assets + £ 9,436,000 + £ 9,134,000
Total Liabilities – £ 7,646,000 – £ 6,154,000
Equity/Reserves + £ 1,790,000 + £ 2,980,000

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 8,613,000 (2024), £ 8,744,000 (2023)
  • Current Assets: £ 823,000 (2024), £ 390,000 (2023)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 5,842,000 (2024), £ 1,660,000 (2023)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 1,804,000 (2024), £ 4,494,000 (2023)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 5,019,000 (2024), – £ 1,270,000 (2023)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ (2024), £ (2023)

Source: Gloucestershire County Cricket Limited Financial Statements (30 Pages)

*Year ending on 31st January, 2024

5. Worcestershire (£ 3.3 Million Debt)

Assessment: Their long-term debt continued to go down and the value of their assets continued to rise. However, their short-term liabilities are also on the rise, which they need to keep in check.

Debt Status: Yellow

2023 2022 2021
Total Assets + £ 8,529,059 + £ 8,207,246 + £ 8,178,734
Total Liabilities – £ 6,344,942 – £ 6,036,445 – £ 5,804,690
Equity/Reserves + £ 2,184,117 + £ 2,170,801 + £ 2,374,044

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 8,027,766 (2023), £ 7,730,721 (2022), £ 7,851,182 (2021)
  • Current Assets: £ 501,293 (2023), £ 476,525 (2022), £ 327,552 (2021)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 3,772,240 (2023), £ 2,691,071 (2021)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 2,572,702 (2023), £ 3,113,619 (2021)

*Note: Their 2022 liability section in their financial statement was empty, but we were able to calculate the total liabilities based on the rest of their balance sheet for 2022.

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 3,270,947 (2023), – £ 2,363,519 (2021)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 4,756,819 (2023), £ (2022), £ 5,487,663 (2021)

*Year ending on 31st December, 2023

Source: Worcestershire County Cricket Team Limited Annual Report (44 Pages)

6. Somerset (£ 1.2 Million Debt)

Assessment: In 2022, Somerset reduced their long-term debt and declared a ‘positive financial result in a challenging environment’ in their financial report. We have marked them as yellow, because current liabilities still outweigh the value of their current assets.

Debt Status: Yellow

2022 2021
Total Assets + £ 16,295,404 + £ 16,237,079
Total Liabilities – £ 6,063,632 – £ 6,403,379
Equity/Reserves + £ 10,231,772 + £ 9,833,700

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 13,904,291 (2022), £ 14,039,103 (2021)
  • Current Assets: £ 2,391,113 (2022), £ 2,197,976 (2021)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 3,629,598 (2022), £ 2,436,247 (2021)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 2,434,034 (2022), £ 3,967,132 (2021)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 1,238,485 (2022), – £ 238,271 (2021)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 12,665,693 (2022), £ 13,800,832 (2021)

*Year ending on 31st December, 2022

Source: Somerset County Cricket Club Accounts (21 Pages)

7. Leicestershire (£ 945,000 Debt)

Assessment: Their debt increased visibly between 2022 and 2023, which ate away from their + £ 2.5 million equity.

Debt Status: Yellow

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 6,267,033 + £ 6,177,566
Total Liabilities – £ 4,157,424 – £ 3,627,843
Equity/Reserves + £ 2,109,609 + £ 2,549,723

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 5,959,769 (2023), £ 5,638,427 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 307,264 (2023), £ 539,139 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 1,252,280 (2023), £ 1,057,725 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 2,905,144 (2023), £ 2,570,118 (2022)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 945,016 (2023), – £ 518,586 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 5,014,753 (2023), £ 5,119,841 (2022)

*Year ended on 30th September, 2023

Source: Leicestershire 2023, Leicestershire County Cricket Club Limited Annual Report – 2022 (30 Pages), Leicestershire News

8. Kent (£ 724,000 Debt)

Assessment: Their liabilities increased slightly between 2022 & 2023, but overall are in a decent position.

Debt Status: Yellow

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 12,473,166 + £ 12,780,543
Total Liabilities – £ 5,486,865 – £ 5,324,792
Equity/Reserves + £ 6,986,301 + £ 7,455,751

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 11,408,651 (2023), £ 11,420,756 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 1,064,515 (2023), £ 1,359,787 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 1,788,152 (2023), £ 1,799,134 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 3,698,713 (2023), £ 3,525,658 (2022)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 723,637 (2023), – £ 439,347 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 10,685,014 (2023), £ 10,981,409 (2022)

*Year ending on 31st October, 2022

Source: Kent County Cricket Club Limited Annual Report and Financial Statements (56 Pages), 2023 Kent Financial Returns (and other Kent documents)

9. Durham (£ 549,000 Debt)

Assessment: Durham progressed on reducing their short-term debts and have plenty of overall equity.

Debt Status: Yellow

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 19,709,550 + £ 18,374,891
Total Liabilities – £ 11,820,823 – £ 12,017,354
Equity/Reserves + £ 7,888,727 + £ 6,357,537

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 19,047,781 (2023), £ 17,960,139 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 661,769 (2023), £ 414,752 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 1,210,704 (2023), £ 1,440,643 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 10,610,119 (2023), £ 10,576,711 (2022)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 548,935 (2023), – £ 1,025,891 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 18,498,846 (2023), £ 16,934,248 (2022)

*Year ending on 30th September, 2022

Source: Durham Cricket Community Interest Group Annual Report (32 Pages)

10. Glamorgan (£ 347,000 Debt)

Assessment: They have seen a slight drop from 2022 to 2023. The value of their current assets decreased more than their short-term debt.

Debt Status: Yellow

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 15,813,392 + £ 17,553,572
Total Liabilities – £ 6,045,921 – £ 7,257,807
Equity/Reserves + £ 9,767,471 + £ 10,295,765

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 14,658,586 (2023), £ 15,263,163 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 1,154,806 (2023), £ 2,290,409 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 1,501,433 (2023), £ 1,529,293 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 4,544,488 (2023), £ 5,728,514 (2022)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 346,627 (2023), + £ 761,116 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: + £ 14,311,959 (2023), + £ 16,024,279 (2022)

*Year ended on 31 December, 2023

Source: Glamorgan Cricket Club Limited Report and Financial Statements (45 Pages)

11. Middlesex (£ 269,000 Debt)

Assessment: Middlesex took strides in decreasing their current liability from 2022 to 2023. However, their reserves are extremely low, so they need to be careful (due to low-valued fixed assets).

Debt Status: Yellow

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 1,596,000 + £ 1,421,000
Total Liabilities – £ 1,527,000 – £ 1,483,000
Equity/Reserves + £ 69,000 – £ 62,000

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 538,000 (2023), £ 580,000 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 1,058,000 (2023), £ 841,000 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 1,327,000 (2023), £ 1,285,000 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 200,000 (2023), £ 198,000 (2022)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 269,000 (2023), – £ 444,000 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 269,000 (2023), £ 136,000 (2022)

*Year ending November 2023

Source: Middlesex County Cricket Limited Annual Reports, Middlesex Annual Report News

12. Nottinghamshire (£ 186,000 Debt)

Assessment: Their current liabilities decreased massively from 2021 to 2022. They are in the right direction, and should be able to come out of debt soon if the trend continues.

Debt Status: Yellow

2022 2021
Total Assets + £ 26,581,361 + £ 30,095,684
Total Liabilities – £ 19,854,388 – £ 24,058,349
Equity/Reserves + £ 6,726,973 + £ 6,037,335

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 21,572,444 (2022), £ 22,134,880 (2021)
  • Current Assets: £ 5,008,917 (2022), £ 7,960,804 (2021)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 5,194,609 (2022), £ 6,985,179 (2021)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 14,659,779 (2022), £ 17,073,170 (2021)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 185,692 (2022), – £ 975,625 (2021)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 21,386,752 (2022), £ 23,110,505 (2021)

*Year ending on 30th September, 2022

Source: Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club Annual Reports and Accounts (68 Pages)

13. Northamptonshire (£ 91,000 Debt)

Assessment: Northamptonshire are slightly in debt, but not by much. However, they do not have high valued fixed assets like some of the other clubs, so they may need to tread the next couple of years carefully.

Debt Status: Yellow

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 4,112,841 + £ 3,513,443
Total Liabilities – £ 2,750,921 – £ 2,261,687
Equity/Reserves + £ 1,361,920 + £ 1,251,756

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 3,347,536 (2023), £ 2,995,663 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 765,305 (2023), £ 517,780 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 856,291 (2023), £ 965,552 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 1,894,630 (2023), £ 1,296,135 (2022)

Net Current Liabilities: – £ 90,986 (2023), – £ 447,772 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 3,256,550 (2023), £ 2,547,891 (2022)

*Year ending on 31st January, 2023

Source: Northamptonshire County Cricket Club Report (19 Pages)

14. Sussex (£ 188,000 Asset)

Assessment: Their net current assets dropped value from 2022 to 2023, but overall they still have plenty in the reserves.

Debt Status: Green

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 19,242,861 + £ 30,157,755
Total Liabilities – £ 9,601,657 – £ 19,893,747
Equity/Reserves + £ 9,641,204 + £ 10,264,008

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 12,872,213 (2023), £ 11,907,691 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 6,370,648 (2023), £ 18,250,064 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 6,182,414 (2023), £ 17,153,707 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 3,419,243 (2023), £ 2,740,040 (2022)

Net Current Assets: + £ 188,234 (2023), + £ 1,096,357 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: + £ 13,060,447 (2023), + £ 13,004,048 (2022)

*Year ending on 31st October, 2023

Source: Sussex Annual Report & Statement of Accounts (23 Pages)

15. Essex (£ 442,000 Asset)

Assessment: Essex has seen a recent drop in every department—Lower equity, lower asset value, but also lower liabilities, but overall staying above water.

Debt Status: Green

2022 2021
Total Assets + £ 5,874,191 + £ 6,845,305
Total Liabilities – £ 3,537,530 – £ 4,129,675
Equity/Reserves + £ 2,336,661 + £ 2,715,630

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 4,303,332 (2022), £ 4,613,469 (2021)
  • Current Assets: £ 1,570,859 (2022), £ 2,231,836 (2021)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 1,128,377 (2022), £ 1,455,113 (2021)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 2,409,153 (2022), £ 2,674,562 (2021)

Net Current Assets: + £ 442,482 (2022), + £ 776,723 (2021)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 4,745,814 (2022), + £ 5,390,192 (2021)

*Year ending on 31st December, 2022

Source: Essex County Cricket Club Report and Statement of Accounts (24 Pages)

16. Derbyshire (£ 823,000 Asset)

Assessment: Derbyshire’s current assets are slightly higher than their current debts. Overall, things are looking good.

Debt Status: Green

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 10,930,000 + £ 9,833,000
Total Liabilities – £ 7,842,000 – £ 6,816,000
Equity/Reserves + £ 3,087,000 + £ 3,017,000

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 9,063,000 (2023), £ 8,390,000 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 1,789,000 (2023), £ 1,365,000 (2022)

Warwickshire also has a ‘deferred tax asset’ of £ 78,000 for both 2022 and 2023.

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 967,000 (2023), £ 729,000 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 6,875,000 (2023), £ 6,087,000 (2022)

Net Current Assets: + £ 823,000 (2023), + £ 636,000 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 9,964,000 (2023), £ 9,104,0000 (2022)

Source: Derbyshire County Cricket Club 2023 Annual Report and Accounts (24 Pages)

17. Lancashire (£ 1.2 Million Asset)

Assessment: High long-term liabilities, but also high long-term fixed assets.

Debt Status: Green

2022 2021
Total Assets + £ 65,856,709 + £ 60,077,707
Total Liabilities – £ 59,779,090 – £ 56,422,263
Equity/Reserves + £ 6,077,619 + £ 3,655,444

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 58,095,758 (2022), £ 52,450,561 (2021)
  • Current Assets: £ 7,760,951 (2022), £ 7,627,146 (2021)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 6,524,779 (2022), £ 7,224,793 (2021)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 53,254,311 (2022), £ 49,194,470 (2021)

Net Current Assets: + £ 1,236,172 (2022), + £ 402,353 (2021)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 59,331,930 (2022), £ 52,852,914 (2021)

*Year ending on 31st December, 2022

Source: Lancashire County Cricket Club Limited Annual Report and Financial Statements (23 Pages)

18. Warwickshire (£ 2.1 Million Asset)

Assessment: Their current assets are valued higher than their current liabilities, putting them in a positive position.

Debt Status: Green

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 44,116,678 + £ 46,359,390
Total Liabilities – £ 40,479,231 – £ 43,912,576
Equity/Reserves + £ 3,637,447 + £ 2,446,814

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 33,706,342 (2023), £ 31,963,027 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 10,410,336 (2023), £ 14,396,363 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 8,256,454 (2023), £ 12,561,948 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 32,222,777 (2023), £ 31,350,628 (2022)

Net Current Assets: + £ 2,153,772 (2023), + £ 1,843,415 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: £ 35,860,114 (2023), £ 33,797,442 (2022)

Source: Warwickshire County Cricket Club 2023 Annual Report (25 Pages), 2023 Summary

19. Marylebone Cricket Club, The MCC (£ 27.6 Million Asset)

Assessment: £ 118 million in fixed asset is all that you need to know about the MCC. Even though have about £ 63 million long-term liabilities, they are well above water. High reserves, positive current assets.

Debt Status: Green

2023 2022
Total Assets + £ 174,535,000 + £ 165,393,000
Total Liabilities – £ 91,619,000 – £ 90,212,000
Equity/Reserves + £ 82,916,000 + £ 75,181,000

Breakdown of Assets

  • Fixed Assets: £ 118,564,000 (2023), £ 111,430,000 (2022)
  • Current Assets: £ 55,971,000 (2023), £ 53,963,000 (2022)

Breakdown of Liabilities

  • Short-Term Debt: £ 28,404,000 (2023), £ 26,140,000 (2022)
  • Long-Term Debt: £ 63,215,000 (2023), £ 64,072,000 (2022)

Net Current Assets: + £ 27,567,000 (2023), + £ 27,823,000 (2022)

Total Assets less current Liabilities: + £ 146,131,000 (2023), + £ 139,253,000 (2022)

Source: MCC’s Annual Report (108 Pages)

Final Thoughts

Some clubs like Yorkshire and Hampshire are struggling on all counts, while others like the MCC are doing much better.

Landscape of domestic England cricket is changing. The ownership model for both County cricket and The Hundred are up in the air.

Cricket will survive, fans will exist, but financial health cannot be disregarded.

How will England cricket navigate this phase? I guess, we will wait and watch.

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