Dear Christine, I MET A GUY six months ago. We had three dates and had a really great time together. We went away for a weekend on our fourth date and he asked me to be his girlfriend that weekend.
Four weeks later, after lots of relationship talk, he called to say a friend had declared her love for him.
He said he felt confused and so he ended things with me.
Three weeks later, we started talking again. He told me nothing happened with the friend and he wanted to rekindle our relationship. After telling him how much of an idiot he was, I agreed.
Two months later, after feeling like he was growing distant, I asked him what was up and he confessed he did not want a relationship. He said he has had a history of doing this to women, which he blames on having his heart broken by a cheating girlfriend.
Now, after a month, he wants to try again.
He says he feels ashamed of his behaviour and understands my trust has been eroded, so he wants me to decide on my terms. He has been erratic in the past, often changing his mind and saying a lot of things that he later says he didn’t mean, so would it be foolish to give him a third chance?
– L.P. Dear L.P., Yes! It would be foolish to do so.
This man is not going to change his behaviour. It is quite obvious that he is one of those “emotional” guys who loves the self-centred drama he has brought into
this relationship.
It is not worth your while to give him another chance. You deserve better. You deserve a guy who is not so shaky when it comes to even making up his mind about what he truly wants.
Don’t just call it quits, block him on all social media platforms and block him from having access to you on your phone.
Do not waste any more of your time or energy with him. You deserve much better in a relationship. Move on!