Rishabh Pant is all set to return to red-ball cricket with India’s upcoming 2-match Test series against Bangladesh that is set to commence from September 19. Pant’s name was announced by the BCCI in India’s squad for first Test.
The wicket-keeper batter has a ton of fans across the globe, but he might’ve not expected a WWE Hall of Famer to come out as his fan. However, that is exactly what has happened.
Former WWE Hall of Famer, Eric Bischoff reacted to a post made by a X user commenting about Pant’s comeback and wrote – “Discipline and commitment. Deadly combination.’
Pant’s fans were shocked seeing Bischoff mention him as a WWE Hall of Famer praising an Indian cricketer on social media isn’t an everyday thing. This again is proof that Pant is currently among the most popular Indian cricketers in the world.