As per reports by Times Of India, Indian cricket team captain Rohit Sharma is going to announce his retirement after the ongoing five-match Test series against Australia. The report suggested that there has already been a discussion between the top brass of BCCI and selectors about this decision and Rohit is highly unlikely to alter his mind. Although the exact timing of the announcement hasn’t been determined yet, the report added that it will be after the final Test in Sydney.
However, if India makes it to the World Test Championship (WTC) Final, Rohit might as well approach the selectors for being allowed to rest for a while.
India captain Rohit Sharma said he was “disturbed” after the huge defeat to Australia in the fourth Test here and needs to deal with “things” at a personal level as well as the collective issue confronted by the team against the backdrop of intense focus on his form.
Across three Tests, India’s captain managed just 31 runs in six innings, which is just a little better than Jasprit Bumrah’s series wicket-haul of 30. The clamour for Test retirement has reached a crescendo, and Sydney could be his final port of call in whites, but not without a fight.
Where does he stand as a batter and as a captain? What is his frame of mind? The questions are many but answers are not so simple.
“I stand exactly where I stand today. There is nothing to be thought of concerning what has happened in the past. It is clear that few results have not gone in our favour. But as a captain, yes, it is disappointing,” he said trying to downplay his disappointment after the 184-run defeat and then added what has become apparent. He is not a happy person.
“You know, a lot of things I’m trying to do are not falling in place as I would like them to. But mentally, look; you know, it’s disturbing without doubt. If you’ve come here and tried doing what you’re supposed to do successfully and if things don’t fall in place, that would be a huge disappointment. But as of now, it’s that way,” Rohit explained.