The Indian cricket team led by Rohit Sharma finds themselves in a precarious position in the Test series against New Zealand. After losing the first Test match held in Bengaluru, the second test match of the series held in Pune has also not brought any favorable news for the hosts. New Zealand has gone on to secure a very big lead in the third innings and it will be an uphill task for India to save the match. In the middle of this drama, the former Indian captain, Sunil Gavaskar has requested everyone to concern themselves with the ongoing series instead of the India vs Australia test series which commences on November 22.
There is anticipation for the India vs Australia and the series has already been marketed. As an example, while doing the commentary on the second day of the second test, Dinesh Karthik spoke about the particular series and Sunil Gavaskar interrupted him.
“Don’t speak of Australia at this time. That is the error that many people make. You have to handle what is happening at present. Only concern yourself with the present circumstances. Australia will look after itself. When you go there, beating Australia will be of no problem to you – you will know how to do it. You have done this on the last two occasions you were there. You did that,” Sunil Gavaskar elaborated during the broadcast.
The problem is not with the players. The players are focused on the pitch. It is the media and all others who are talking about Australia that are the problem. The coverage about what is coming up in Australia is quite ridiculous. The Australian cricketers are always concerned about Indian cricket as in what their optimal team should be and all that. Why this player, why that player. No one even wants to know about the Australian team from us. Every ex Australia player comes on air in USA and says, ‘this guy should be in the team, that guy should be in the team’. Why are we not also asked who should be in the Australian team?