The Tamil Nadu government is on a mission to create a cricketing behemoth. The state has initiated the process of constructing India’s largest cricket stadium in Coimbatore. A tender has been floated to prepare a detailed project report (DPR) for this ambitious project.
Request for Proposal Issued
In a recent announcement, the Sports Department of Tamil Nadu revealed that it has floated a request for proposal (RFP) to prepare a detailed project report (DPR) for the stadium’s development. Bidders have been invited to submit their proposals within a month, marking an important step toward realizing this long-awaited project.
The proposed site for the stadium is strategically located 16 km from Coimbatore city along NH 544, which connects Salem and Kochi. The State Prisons Department currently owns 200 acres of land in the area, with plans to acquire 198 acres for the stadium once the DPR is completed.
Vision for a State-of-the-Art Facility
The envisioned stadium aims to provide a world-class experience for players and spectators alike. Plans include five-star facilities for members, VIPs, and corporate sectors, along with a state-of-the-art players’ lounge, media and broadcasting center, and various dining options such as cafeterias and restaurants for the public. Additionally, the facility will feature viewing galleries and a dedicated cricket museum.
Sources indicate that the stadium will also include an indoor practice arena, specialist indoor fielding zones, pitch curation training facilities, lecture theatres, and a high-performance center. The government is actively seeking innovative ideas from bidders regarding amenities for players, including restaurants, spas, dormitories, and recreational facilities.
Learning from Iconic Stadiums
To ensure the stadium meets international standards, the Sports Department has recommended using the M.A. Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai and the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru as live case studies. Additionally, the Lords Cricket Stadium in London has been cited as a benchmark for design and functionality.
The project aims not only to create a premier cricket venue but also to establish a forum for research and rehabilitation for players, umpires, technicians, and coaches. Bidders are encouraged to incorporate the latest concepts in stadium design, focusing on technological infrastructure, media facilities, and high standards of public seating and hospitality.
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