Is Winter (the cat) truly indifferent to cricket?

Is Winter (the cat) truly indifferent to cricket?

< 1 minute read

If you’ve got a picture of an animal being conspicuously indifferent to cricket, please send it to

Balladeer writes…

These are Mysie the calico and Winter the black cat. They joined the Balladeer household in June. They’re rather cute when they’re not kicking each other’s heads in or digging their nails into the furniture.

Here is a picture of Winter being utterly uninterested in one of the great finishes of county cricket in recent times.

Er. The framing is purely a coincidence, I assure you. Winter is much more interested in treats and making my legs bleed than James Bracey taking one-handed gloveless catches to enforce a tie.

And as for Mysie…

…oh forget it. Next thing you know they’ll be mewling that the second division is proper cricket and Sam Northeast should be playing for the Test team.

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